- Shenggen Fan, Director General, IFPRI
- Friedrich Wacker, Head of Directorate on International Cooperation, Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture, Germany (via video)
- John McDermott, Director, CGIAR Research Program on Agriculture for Nutrition and Health (A4NH), IFPRI
- Karen Scanlon,Vice president of Sustainability for Dairy Management Inc. Innovation Center for US Dairy
- Joe Swedberg, Board Chairman, Farm Foundation and VP – Legislative Affairs (Rtd.) Hormel Foods Corp.
- Christopher Delgado, Consultant, Africa Agricultural Policy Unit, The World Bank Group
- Constance Cullman, President, Farm Foundation
Closing Remarks
- Astrid Jakobs de Padua, Minister Counselor, Food and Agriculture, Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany–Washington
Livestock production is facing growing social and environmental demands. Farmers, food producers, consumers, and environmentalists all have different views on addressing these challenges.
Starting from a recap of this month’s Global Forum on Food and Agriculture in Germany, expert panelists will look at the critical debates confronting the livestock sector, with time for Q&A.