
Journal Article
Adoption and impact of hybrid rice in India: Evidence from a large-scale field survey

Journal Article
Determinants and impacts of contract farming: Evidence from cultivation of onion, okra and pomegranate in Maharashtra, India

Journal Article
Intensive and extensive margins of India’s agricultural trade: implications for export diversification and development

Giving the multiplier effect to PM-Kisan, India’s direct benefit transfer program for farmers
An IFPRI-ICAR study in Uttar Pradesh reveals that the scheme, along with agricultural advisory services, can potentially pull farmers out of poverty.

The promise and challenges of India’s Direct Benefit Transfer agricultural subsidies
Can subsidy reforms help fix farmers' current troubles? A discussion at the Indian Economic Association's annual conference.

Biofortification: A plausible antidote to India’s hidden hunger problem
An inexpensive and efficient way to address micronutrient deficiencies.

32nd International Conference of Agricultural Economists
The triennial International Conference of Agricultural Economists (ICAE-2024), centred on the theme “Transformation Towards Sustainable Agri-Food Systems” is scheduled from August 2-7, 2024, in New Delhi, India. The conference offers a distinctive platform, providing a golden opportunity for the agricultural academic institutions and researchers to convene in person, exchange knowledge, and actively contribute to the […]

31st International Conference of Agricultural Economists (ICAE)
Virtual Event: AUG 17, 2021 – 08:00 AM to AUG 31, 2021 08:00 PM EDT. IFPRI is participating in the 31st Conference of Agriculture Economists organized by the International Association of Agricultural Economists (IAAE).

2019 RESAKSS-Asia Conference: Evolving Agrifood Systems in Asia
The Regional Strategic Analysis and Knowledge Support System for Asia (ReSAKSS-Asia) facilitated by the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), and the Myanmar Institute for Integrated Development (MIID), are organizing an international conference entitled, “Evolving Agrifood Systems in Asia: Achieving food and nutrition security by 2030,” with the financial support of USAID. The primary objective […]
This greenhouse innovation helps farmers in India cope with climate change (Business Fortnight)
The World (India), in a story on farmers and climate change, writes about a solution designed to help farmers cope with the vagaries of a changing climate called “greenhouse-in-a-box.” Business Fortnight writes, “The design, is essentially a low-cost, scaled-down version of a standard greenhouse, is the brainchild of an Indian startup called Kheyti. In 2022, it was […]
Crisis resilience ‘critical’ to stem rising hunger (SciDev.Net)
“A shift towards permanent ‘crisis resilience’ from short-term aid is crucial to mitigate increasingly frequent shocks to the global food system and tackle rising global hunger, say food policy researchers,” writes SciDev.Net in a piece featuring IFPRI’s 2023 Global Food Policy Research. “Crises, shocks, and volatility are no longer exceptions and may become the new normal,” says Johan Swinnen, […]
Reviving the farm economy (Business Standard)
Business Standard published an op-ed by research fellow Anjani Kumar with co-authors, Shalander Kumar and Arabinda Kumar Padhee (ICRISAT) on the farm economy. Once the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown occurred, India’s general population took notice of migrant workers coming from outside of India to work and their particular challenges. Many workers will not return after the full re-opening of India. Some […]
- Vice President, Indian Society of Agricultural Economics, 2019
- Rafi Ahmed Kidwai Award for Outstanding Research in Agricultural Sciences, 2018, Indian Council of Agriculture Research (ICAR).
- Rafi Ahmed Kidwai Award 2017 for outstanding contribution in the field of Social Sciences, by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi.
- Lal Bahadur Shastri Young Scientist Award, Biennium 2003-04 for outstanding contribution in Social Sciences, by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi.
- Young Scientist Award, Biennium 2001-02 for outstanding contributions in Social Sciences, by the National Academy of Agricultural Sciences, India.
- Fellow, National Academy of Agricultural Sciences, India.
- Associate Fellow, National Academy of Agricultural Sciences, India (2008-12).
- Indo-US Norman E. Borlaug International Agricultural Science & Technology Fellowship in 2008.
- Best Paper Award in South Asia Regional Conference of International Association of Agricultural Economists (IAAE) on Globalization of Agriculture in South Asia: Has it Made a Difference to Rural Livelihoods? 23-25 March, 2005, Hyderabad, India.
- Dr. R.T. Doshi Foundation Award for best research article published in Agricultural Economics Research Review (2003, 2010 and 2011).
- Dr R T Doshi Foundation Award for best presentation in Annual Conferences of Agricultural Economics Research Association (2000, 2001).