Journal Article
Impacts of city life on nutrition: Evidence From resettlement lotteries in China
Book Chapter
Regional variations in rural livelihoods: Challenges and opportunities
Book Chapter
Income diversification and the rural nonfarm economy
How do earthquakes shape economic behavior?
Research shows how a disaster can impact an economy beyond the simple rebuilding process. The Sichuan earthquake induced a lifestyle shift in households toward greater spending and shifted the economy away from industrial production.
World Refugee Day: Rohingya in Bangladesh camp display entrepreneurial spark
A variety of small businesses spring up to serve an influx of half a million refugees.
What Rwanda and Uganda can teach us about the benefits of hosting refugees
Research shows that with proper support, refugees can provide an economic boon to surrounding communities.
The Future of Work in Agriculture
IFPRI is participating in the IFAD, UC Davis, World Bank Group co-organized conference on the future of work in agriculture. As a major employer, agriculture has been at the center of discussions about poverty reduction and development. However, as countries develop, and people spend more income on higher valued, non-traditional food and non-food items, agriculture’s […]
Policy reform, agricultural trade, and economic growth in Myanmar
Speaker: Panelists: Chairperson: Closing Remarks: In the wake of the recent political transition in Myanmar, the country faces major challenges to accelerated agricultural development and economic growth, including massive needs for investments in agricultural research, extension, and irrigation. Many opportunities are also opening up. Trade with China has grown rapidly in the past five years […]
New Aquaculture Economy Emerged on Rising Fish Demand (Myanmar Times)
Myanmar Times published an article on the country’s emerging aquaculture economy, on the back of rising fish demand.
Africa News Tonight (Voice of America)
Africa News Tonight, a daily news radio program of Voice of America, interviewed IFPRI research fellow Mateusz Filipski for World Refugee Day. Dr. Filipski spoke about his research on the benefits of hosting refugees in Rwanda and Uganda. Refugees are contributing to their host economies through work opportunities and spending in local businesses.
Uganda Refugees Are Actually Boosting Economy (Voice of America)
A study co-authored by IFPRI’s Research Fellow Mateusz Filipski on the economic impact of refugees was covered by Voice of America. The study found that refugees can actually have a positive economic impact on their host communities. According to the article, “While many think of refugees as a drag on a nation’s economy, a United […]