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Your search found 1449 results.
journal article

Seasonality and nutrition-sensitive farming in rural Northern Ghana

In rural sub-Saharan Africa, where malnutrition in all its forms is rife, the greatest gap between the availability of foods and the foods needed for a nutritious diet are faced during the ‘hunger season’.

journal article

The DQQ is a valid tool to collect population-level food group consumption data: A study among women in Ethiopia, Vietnam, and Solomon Islands

Background The Diet Quality Questionnaire (DQQ) is a rapid dietary assessment tool designed to enable feasible measuring and monitoring of diet quality at population level in the general public.

discussion paper

Remoteness, farm production, and dietary diversity in Nepal

This paper explores the relationship between agriculture, dietary diversity, and market access in Nepal, testing the complex causal chains involved, and the nuanced connections between production diversity and dietary diversity among smallholder f

project paper

The contributions of Public Works in watershed rehabilitation and irrigation in Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance supported Productive Safety Net Program areas of Ethiopia to resilience and nutrition

The Ethiopian Productive Safety Net Program (PSNP), launched in 2005 and operating in eight regional states, harmonizes the delivery of donor support to vulnerable populations experiencing chronic food insecurity and shocks.

project paper

Computer vision-assisted dietary assessment in youth in urban Ghana: Validity against weighed records and comparison with 24-hour recalls

Recent estimates suggest that diet related risk factors cause 11 million deaths every year, more than any other factor included in the Global Burden of Disease analyses.
project paper

Promoting a bundle of biofortified seeds and agricultural inputs in northeastern Nigeria

Smallholder farmers in northeastern Nigeria face the triple threat of food insecurity, climate volatility, and conflict. Northeastern Nigeria has some of the highest levels of food insecurity in Nigeria.
journal article

The state of food systems worldwide in the countdown to 2030

This Analysis presents a recently developed food system indicator framework and holistic monitoring architecture to track food system transformation towards global development, health and sustainability goals.

project paper

Description of MSME Survey in Viet Nam

During the first half of 2023, researchers associated with Work Package 2 (WP2) of the CGIAR Research Initiative on Sustainable Healthy Diets through Food Systems Transformation (SHiFT) conducted three linked surveys to learn more about micro, sma


The political economy of reforming costly agricultural policies

Agricultural support policies provide over $800 billion per year in transfers worldwide. Such policies encompass a broad range of government instruments to support the agriculture sector, which are typically funded from taxpayers and consumers.