
Intrahousehold dynamics in South Asia: Understanding the relationships between women’s empowerment, task sharing, decision making, and diets among women

Journal Article
Diet quality and micronutrient intakes in nutritional value chains: A synthesis and suggestions for further research

Working Paper
Do empowerment impacts endure? The medium-term impacts of the Agriculture, Nutrition, and Gender Linkages (ANGeL) Project in Bangladesh

How anticipatory action can empower women in disaster-prone areas
How assistance programs can catalyze improvements in gender equality.

ANEW way forward: Strategies to promote women’s empowerment in farmer producer organizations
Examining a promising avenue for development programs.

Introducing the Women’s Empowerment Metric for National Statistical Systems (WEMNS)
A new tool to address the gender data gap in agricultural development.

69th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW69)
The sixty-ninth session of the Commission on the Status of Women will take place on March 10 to 21, 2025. The main focus of the sixty-ninth session will be on the review and appraisal of the implementation of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action and the outcomes of the 23rd special session of the […]

Building More Inclusive and Natural Resource-Secure Food Futures
Throughout her career, Ruth Meinzen-Dick has made pathbreaking contributions to natural resource management and gender equity, drawing from her deep engagement with communities to improve understanding and measurement in these areas. Dr. Meinzen-Dick’s research encompasses land and water policy, property rights, collective action, and games for experiential learning, with a longstanding focus on improving equity. […]

Metrics Matter: Assessing Progress towards Women’s Empowerment in Agriculture and Beyond
The Philippine Institute for Development Studies (PIDS), in partnership with the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), will hold a public seminar featuring three studies on women empowerment on August 14, 2024, 9:00 AM to 11:30 AM (Asia/Manila) / August 13, 2024, 9:00 PM to 11:30 PM (US/Eastern) at the PIDS Conference Hall and via Zoom. […]
Gender equality and food security in rural South Asia: A holistic approach to the SDGs (New Security Beat)
New Security Beat (Wilson Center) published an article on food security, land ownership, and gender. In South Asia, food security and nutrition have not improved significantly despite the region’s economic growth. Importantly, both are deeply influenced by gender relations in the agricultural sector. Enforcing women’s access to land and other productive assets, accounting for rural women’s growing work […]
How can data build a truer picture of the gender gap in food insecurity? (Devex)
Devex published an article on the challenges of an accurate picture of the differences in food security between men and women when using typical household survey methods. Research Fellow Jessica Heckert stated that “countrywide surveys offer the advantage of gathering data on a wider variety of topics, but because of that breadth in a single […]
The 19th Annual ReSAKSS Conference Opens Monday In Lomé (Togo 24)
Togo 24 reported on the opening of the conference and the 2019 Annual trends and outlook report: Gender equality in rural Africa: From commitments to outcomes. (2019 ATOR). The Report presents an Africa-wide analysis on a topic of strategic importance to the CAADP agenda. The ATOR 2019 report examines the progress and results of research […]