The climate change-food security nexus is a hot topic. Staying abreast of the latest news and reports about the changing climate and its impacts has become a daunting challenge. In partnership with IFPRI, The CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) launched this month a weekly roundup of climate change-related news, reports, and events. This comprehensive list based on diverse sources focuses on agriculture and food security, but covers a wide range of related topics, including biofuels, water, and land management. Consider it a one-stop shop for the latest information about climate change, food security, and agriculture.
CCAFS is one of the two new CGIAR Research Programs that IFPRI will help to shape. Read the CCAFS blog, where the climate roundup is posted, here.
If you would like to see your news-worthy, web-based publication listed in the roundup, send it to Susan Buzzelli (s.buzzelli@cgiar).