“Today’s historic agreement at the Paris talks on climate change represents a huge step forward in our collective effort to reduce carbon emissions and keep temperature from rising by more than 2 degrees Celsius above the historical average. I am very pleased that wealthy nations have agreed to fund efforts to combat climate change and that so many developing countries have agreed to adopt strong mechanisms to promote climate action. Such accomplishments can now help us focus on a sustainable way to end hunger and malnutrition through climate-smart agriculture and food systems.
Climate-smart policies, technologies, and practices can help us adapt to and mitigate climate change while sustainably feeding the planet, as 795 million people still go to bed hungry and more than two billion suffer from hidden hunger. Today’s accord at the close of COP21 brings us one step closer to achieving global food security and nutrition for all. IFPRI is committed to supporting developing countries in building their capacity to use data and design evidence-based policies and strategies to achieve the goals committed in Paris.
For more information, or if you would like to speak to Dr. Fan, please contact:
Deb Horan, d.horan@cgiar.org +1 (202) 627-4310
Daniel Burnett, d.burnett@cgiar.org +1 (202) 627-4311