Spiegel Online (Germany) published an article on mortality trends due to COVID-19. According to an IFPRI study, that appears in the Lancet, Impacts of COVID-19 on childhood malnutrition and nutrition-related mortality, due to the devastating consequences of the coronavirus pandemic, almost 180,000 children under the age of five are also at starvation this year. Senior Research Fellow Derek Headey and colleagues analyzed various scenarios and assume that 111,000 additional deaths in children under the age of five are at best, and 178,000 in the worst case. Before the Corona crisis, it was estimated that 47 million children under the age of five were medium to severely malnourished. Republished in Focus Online, T-Online, Westfalen Post, Arivia, Market, Max Blue,,, Finanzen, Wall Street Online, Finanztreff, Telebasel (Germany), Telebasel (Switzerland), Russia Today (Germany/Russia), Russian Today (Russia), and many other mentions from major global outlets.
Authority determines mortality: More corona deaths (Spiegel Online)
July 27, 2020