SW Iowa News published an article about U.S. subsidies to farmers. The article writes that with the amount of spending, stimulus, and relief, why should you worry about a relatively puny congressional request to raise the annual spending authority of the USDA’s Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC) from $30 billion a year to $68 billion? Because in both principle and practice, the CCC should not be a political slush fund to cover up farm and trade policy malpractice. Senior Research Fellow Joseph Glauber and Vincent Smith (AEI) wrote in The Hill, “any administration free rein to spend… with no accountability to Congress.” Glauber told Politico that raising CCC “farm aid” is like “giving USDA a blank piece of paper and saying, ‘Here’s a bunch of money. You decide how to spend it.’” (Reach 3K) Republished in the Burlington Hawkeye (Burlington, Iowa) (Reach 3.2K) and in several other USA local, farm-community newspapers.
Guebert: Twenty-four miles of bad spending, bad policy, bad ideas (SW Iowa News)
August 05, 2020