CGTN America (Chinese Government) broadcasted a brief story on the radio program Global Business (video) on the situation with agriculture and trade between the U.S. and China as the U.S. moves closer to the presidential election on November 3. How has agriculture been affected by the coronavirus? Senior Research Fellow Joseph Glauber stated that processing and manufacturing have been greatly affected, causing retail prices to increase. Things are back on pace, but the real concerns are the economy and the question if demand will stay high. “The trade war with China was detrimental, immigration (farm labor is important to agriculture). These two issues have hurt agriculture. Trump has offered subsidies to farmers to hold them up and Trump’s regulations are less strict. “He is quite popular among commercial farmers.” Glauber added that Immigration policy is a big issue that needs to be discussed. “The trade side is important. We’ve seen instability but that’s been compensated by significant sums of money. I don’t think that’s sustainable.
Will the US agriculture and trade policies help Trump win the White House (CGTN)
October 30, 2020