Dhaka Tribune published an article stating that much of the govt’s price support goes into the hands of the millers while only a small part of it goes to the farmers. An IFPRI study, Government measures to drive paddy prices up: nothing’s working attempting to understand how paddy is procured directly from farmers in the Indian state of West Bengal found out that since 2016-2017, the West Bengal state government has implemented an electronic paddy procurement (e-procurement) system. Between 2017-2018 and 2019-2020, farmers’ participation in the e-procurement system has increased five-fold, from 465,000 to 2.36 million farmers. If the government can ensure direct paddy purchase from the growers, crush the same into rice by offering a milling charge to the rice millers, it will be beneficial for all parties. Farmers will get their much-deserved price support, millers will get their service charges and the government will be able to maintain a good food reserve.
News Analysis: Why buy from millers, why not from farmers? (Dhaka Tribune)
April 24, 2021