The Beijing News reported on the launch of the 2021 Global Food Policy Report in Beijing. At the launch, director general Johan Swinnen said, “Since 2015, the number of hungry people in the world has been on the rise. The COVID-19 pandemic in the past two years has exacerbated this dilemma. More people are facing food insecurity, poverty, and malnutrition. How can these problems be resolved in the future and how can food policies promote the transformation of the global food system? This is related to the future of all people.” Forecasts by IFPRI indicate that the rising levels of food insecurity and worsening nutrition caused by the pandemic could lead to an additional 6.7 million children experiencing wasting in 2020 alone. Republished in Food China (China)
Global Food Policy Report Released: 3 billion people do not have access to a healthy diet (Beijing News)
May 27, 2021