The New Humanitarian published an article stating that in Myanmar, months after political unrest and a third wave of COVID-19, poverty, and food insecurity are soaring in Myanmar’s Dry Zone and Ayeyarwady Delta regions – the country’s agricultural heartland – sparking warnings of a hidden crisis in the making as farming households struggle out of view of most humanitarian aid plans. Poverty is rapidly rising. The percentage of Delta households considered “extremely poor” rose from 18 percent last year to 30 percent in July, according to IFPRI. In a recent paper predicts that 60 percent of Myanmar’s “newly poor households” in the coming months will be in the Dry Zone and Delta. Senior Research Fellow Derek Headey said, “Aid agencies are still mostly working in more remote conflict-affected areas, albeit with some shift to urban populations obviously made poorer by COVID and the political situation.”
Myanmar’s hidden hunger (The New Humanitarian)
October 19, 2021