NPR, on The Indicator Planet Money reported on how is the cost of solving world hunger calculated, and is solving world hunger as simple as a billionaire writing a check? Elon Musk tweeted a reply to the WFP: “If WFP can describe on this Twitter thread exactly how $6B will solve world hunger, I will sell Tesla stock right now and do it.“ In an interview with NPR, Markets, Trade, and Institutions Division Director, Rob Vos, explained his response to the tweet and more. Vos tweeted: “Dear Elon, here’s a concrete and science-based plan to end hunger in a sustainable manner, the Ceres2030: Sustainable Solutions to End Hunger. It would cost a bit more than $6bn, that is $33bn per year to 2030, yet affordable.” Ceres2030 put a price on solving hunger. The study looks at the crisis who are at high risk of starvation, not getting enough calories, and some solutions. How do we look at hunger? One way is people who don’t have enough food (chronic hunger). Elon Musk has about 300 billion dollars. If he’s willing to give it all away is great, but how do you take it to the right places. “There is a balancing act of government, regulatory frameworks, and social protections.” You can’t pay off world hunger because there are a lot of systems. Vos said, “We have to change behavior–what we eat, what we consume; producers–what we invest in; governments–where we put our money.”
Could Elon Musk really solve world hunger? (NPR)
November 03, 2021