The Nation (Malawi) published an article stating that IFPRI finds the rise in global commodity prices has raised Malawi’s national poverty headcount rate by 2.1 percentage points. In a brief, IFPRI states the increase is equivalent to an additional 394,000 people falling below the international poverty line. IFPRI also states, “Overall, the combined effect of the world price shocks is a decline in consumption for all households, but much larger declines for households toward the lower end of the income distribution. (See the IFPRI Global Crisis country series brief, Malawi: Impacts of the Ukraine and global crises on poverty and food security). The brief also states that the fall in GDP, most of the decline in consumption is driven by the fuel and fertilizer shocks, which raise the market price of most consumer goods and services in the country.
Rising prices to push people into poverty (The Nation)
July 05, 2022