Krishak Jagat published an article stating that the G20 members are committed to step-up efforts to make agriculture and food systems sustainable and more resilient against future shocks, however, they could not find consensus. CGIAR was present as an observer during these meetings, through a delegation led by Johan Swinnen, Managing Director, Systems Transformation, CGIAR, and Director General of the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), and consisting further of Gianpiero Menza, Senior Manager Partnerships & Innovative Finance at the Alliance/CGIAR and Rob Vos Director, Market, Trade, and Institutions at IFPRI/CGIAR. While addressing his speech, Swinnen emphasized that the present crisis has already started hurting food systems, thus requiring concerted action with short-, medium-, and long-term components. Swinnen called upon the international community to come together around four priority areas for action. 1) Financial support, 2) more investment in R&D & ready-to-use innovations, 3) healthier diets & consumption of sustainably produced foods, 4) G20 members should rethink present agricultural support measures.