The IFPRI Board of Trustees seeks two candidates one with U.S. citizenship and one from Latin American and the Caribbean Region with expertise in one or more of the following areas: development economics and agricultural economics, sociology, anthropology, political science, general agriculture, natural resource management, health, nutrition, financial management, and other fields related to IFPRI’s mission and vision. The Board is open to considering candidates from the private sector and from non-governmental organizations. Please send nominations by July 15 to be considered.
An IFPRI Board member is appointed for a three year-term (calendar year) which can be renewed for one additional term based on performance. Board members are paid an honorarium and expenses for participating, but not a salary. The new members will be nominated by the Board by September 2016 and begin their term on January 1, 2017. The first meeting will take place the week of May 16, 2017.
To apply and nominate someone, please submit the candidate’s CV and a cover letter to Stacy Roberts, Board Secretary, at