Found 1166 Results
COVID-19: The virus will mostly spare young children; the economic crisis will not
Steps must be taken now to avert a decades-long nutrition and public health crisis.
20 years of ASTI: The go-to source for data and analyses on agricultural research in developing countries
How evolving technology has stimulated data collection and research.
Exploring farmer adoption of conservation agriculture using a lab-in-the-field approach
Testing the role of subsidies in adopting techniques to build long-term resilience.
The challenges of influencing consumer behavior to improve food safety
Two studies in Kenya examine risk perceptions of aflatoxin in maize.
High altitudes linked to higher rates of stunting
The under-appreciated role geography plays in a persistent problem of health and well-being.
Policy seminar: Unpacking the impacts of COVID-19 on economies, food systems, and poverty in African and Asian countries
New research on how Myanmar, Nigeria, and Sudan are weathering the crisis.
Photo essay: Data collection in a diverse and complex food system
A research journey through Papua New Guinea.
Supermarket contracts boost incomes and reduce multidimensional poverty for smallholders in Kenya
The growing role of supermarkets in developing countries has impacts that go beyond urban retailing.
Policy seminar: COVID-19, food systems, ecosystems, and the risk of zoonotic diseases
Climate change, development, and other forces contribute to the threat of future pandemics.
Making sense of why spouses disagree in household surveys
Women are much more likely to report that they own assets or make decisions than men are to recognize these roles.