Blogs : COVID-19
IFPRI is curating a special series of blog posts analyzing the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on national and global food and nutrition security, poverty, and development. The series is edited by IFPRI director general Johan Swinnen and A4NH director John McDermott.
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COVID-19: Les restrictions commerciales constituent la pire réponse possible pour garantir la sécurité alimentaire
Trade is allowing production to move from areas of surplus to areas of shortage, avoiding the drastic shortages and food insecurity associated with reliance only on local production.
Chinese livestock farms struggle under COVID-19 restrictions
A survey shows lockdowns are having serious impacts on agricultural operations, particularly pig farmers.
How much will global poverty increase because of COVID-19?
Modeling shows that a looming worldwide economic slowdown could push tens of millions into extreme poverty.
COVID-19’s impact on China’s small and medium-sized businesses
As China begins to emerge from the worst, a survey shows many enterprises struggle to survive.
As COVID-19 spreads, no major concern for global food security yet
If it happens, a global economic slowdown would hit the poor in developing countries particularly hard.