University World News published an article on how the World Bank-sponsored African Centers of Excellence (ACEs) implemented across the continent have contributed significantly to the growth in the number of doctorates and master’s degrees on the continent over the past eight years, graduating 2,370 Ph.D. and a total of 11,539 MSc degree students. One panelist during this discussion said, “Universities must amplify their voices and “broadcast” what they are doing, so that the wider society, as well as the authorities, appreciated their contribution to development.” According to Oliver Kirui, a research fellow, “The question of the relevance of education programs offered by universities in Africa also needs to be addressed. It is a pity that graduates cannot do jobs as needed by industry due to a lack of relevant skills, the only exception being doctors. If the situation were to be left unchecked and, as more and more foreign companies invest in Africa, the firms may be left with no choice in the future but to import labor into the continent,” he warned.
Project seen as ‘great achievement’ for HE in Africa (University World News)
July 13, 2022