
What we do

With research staff from more than 60 countries, and offices across the globe, IFPRI provides research-based policy solutions to sustainably reduce poverty and end hunger and malnutrition in developing countries.


Samuel Benin

Samuel Benin is the Acting Director for Africa in the Development Strategies and Governance Unit. He conducts research on national strategies and public investment for accelerating food systems transformation in Africa and provides analytical support to the African Union’s CAADP Biennial Review.

Where we work


Where we work

IFPRI currently has more than 600 employees working in over 80 countries with a wide range of local, national, and international partners.

IFPRI Insights: COVID-19 Special Issue (May 14)

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May 14, 2020
New Analysis on COVID-19 Impacts in South Asia
IFPRI’s South Asia Regional Office has launched a new blog series analyzing the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on food and nutrition security, poverty, and development in the region. IFPRI’s global coverage also continues, with analysis of impacts on African economies, a new tool tracking food prices, and insights on the need to consider gender in social protection schemes. (Visit South Asia COVID Webpage / Visit IFPRI COVID Webpage)
Border Controls and African Trade: Many countries in Africa have shut down their land borders in an attempt to curb disease, despite the impact on food waste and loss, pastoral livelihoods, and the future of the African Continental Free Trade Area. Antoine Bouët and David Laborde suggest ways to soften the blow on vulnerable people and communities. (Read Blog
Collapse in Earnings in South Africa: Channing Arndt, Sherwin Gabriel, and Sherman Robinson highlight results from modeling the potential impacts of stringent lockdowns related to the pandemic in South Africa, with especially dire implications for poorly-educated households which depend on wage earnings. (Read Blog
Local Market Stress: Manuel Hernandez, Soonho Kim, Brendan Rice, and Rob Vos unveil the new COVID-19 Food Price Monitor, which tracks daily commodity prices around the world to give researchers and policymakers a sense of which markets are experiencing stress in the form of high food prices. (Read Blog
Opportunity to Tackle Gender Inequality: Melissa Hidrobo, Neha Kumar, Tia Palermo, Amber Peterman, and Shalini Roy describe how COVID-19 is affecting gender relations, and why attention to gender in implementing expanded social protection programs is critical. (Read Blog
Losses for the Least Educated 
South Africa’s COVID-19 lockdown may have reduced the country’s total flow of goods and services by about one third (see right-most bar in the figure), according to modelling work by Channing Arndt, Sherwin Gabriel, and Sherman Robinson. This reduction is unevenly distributed across wage earners, hitting the wages and earnings of lower-educated workers hardest. (Read Blog)
 The pandemic is putting further pressure on the global food supply chain….it leads to challenges for farmers and producers with fewer distribution channels and also at risk of excess food…Hopefully, the current crisis and its focus on food security will be a revelation for many of us to start changing our behavior and see our food as more of an appreciated resource.” – Mogens Jensen, Minister for Food, Fisheries and Equal Opportunities, Government of Denmark (Food Loss and Waste – Can we end it by 2030 while dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic?, May 12)
 What do we need for a gender-sensitive COVID-19 response in agriculture and food security? Insights from research and practice

May 21, 2020
9:30-10:45 AM EDT

The event will feature researchers sharing what they have learned on the role of gender in the food price crisis and earlier pandemics; experience and insights from grassroots organizations and NGOs in India and Kenya; and views of funding organizations, as they all work together toward a gender research agenda to inform future programmatic and policy responses. 
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For further analyses on the impact of COVID-19 on food and nutrition security in South Asia please see the IFPRI South Asia Newsletter: COVID-19 Special Edition

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