The International Water Management Institute (IWMI), one of the fifteen CGIAR centers, is a non-profit, scientific research organization focusing on the sustainable use of water and land resources in developing countries. IWMI works in partnership with governments, civil society and the private sector to develop scalable agricultural water management solutions that have a real impact on poverty reduction, food security and ecosystem health. IWMI’s Mission is to provide evidence-based solutions to sustainably manage water and land resources for food security, people’s livelihoods and the environment.
Energy use in agriculture
Irrigation, mechanization or fertilizer?—tradeoffs and food security implications What is the challenge? Agricultural intensification through the use of high-yielding crop varieties, fertilizers, irrigation, and other agricultural……
Book Chapter
Intra-African trade in virtual water: Trends and drivers
Working Paper
Agricultural mechanization policy options in Rwanda
Working Paper
The economic importance of cowpea in Nigeria trends and Implications for achieving agri-food system transformation
Migration and Gender Dynamics in Irrigation Governance in Nepal
Widespread male migration from rural areas is one of the most important forces shaping agrarian transformation in Nepal. One particularly important area affected is the governance and management of local public goods, especially irrigation systems. Given the crucial role of irrigation in agricultural productivity and food security, attention to gender in irrigation governance is not […]
Water Security in a Changing World
Introductory Remarks Overview Panelists Closing Remarks Moderator Q&A Video Secure water supplies are critical to future sustainable economies and societies. Unprecedented human impact is directly degrading resource quality on every continent and, through global warming, threatens vast change in hydrological systems, with impacts on water availability and access in nearly all parts of the world. […]