The University of Oxford is a world-renowned institution of teaching and research. The Oxford Martin School seeks to addresses global challenges such as climate change, disease and inequality. The Oxford Martin School supports novel, high risk and multidisciplinary projects to garner results to improve the future. The school develops policy recommendations and works with a range of stakeholders to translate them into action.
Journal Article
Individual interventions, collective lessons: Developing mid-range theory on women’s groups to improve health
Journal Article
Vitamin C-rich guava consumed with mungbean dal reduces anemia and increases hemoglobin but not iron stores: A randomized controlled trial of food-to-food fortification in Indian children
Journal Article
Designing and implementing experiments within local bureaucratic systems: A cautionary tale from an educator incentive program
Crafting the Next Generation of CGIAR Gender Research
How can agriculture and natural resource management advance gender equality? Asking this question rather than only its inverse — what does gender analysis bring to agriculture and natural resource management? — elevates the objective of gender equality within CGIAR, challenges boundaries in thinking about gender in agriculture, and stimulates new and creative perspectives. Gender researchers […]
Women’s Land: Beyond “Access” to Rights
Discussants Moderator For most rural households, land is the most valuable asset and the foundation for agricultural production. While a large literature exists on the relationships between land tenure security, livelihoods, and poverty, most of this literature is based on household-level data, and we know little about women’s land rights. As a growing body of […]
Addressing water governance challenges around Lake Beseka, Ethiopia: A social network approach
Examining complex relationships around a key resource.