Working Paper
Business and public health impacts of a food safety rating program among pork vendors in Vietnam
Working Paper
Consumer response to food safety risk information
Uganda coffee agronomy training: Impact evaluation report
Exploring farmer adoption of conservation agriculture using a lab-in-the-field approach
Testing the role of subsidies in adopting techniques to build long-term resilience.
Do you remember? Measuring anchoring bias in recall data
By Susan Godlonton, Manuel Hernandez, and Mike Murphy
Standard social science interview techniques may not be accounting for cognitive bias, a new study finds.
CGIAR Platform for Big Data in Agriculture Convention
IFPRI Staff are participating in the CGIAR Platform for Big Data in Agriculture co-hosted by the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) taking place October 3-5, 2018 at the Campus of the World Agroforestry Center (ICRAF) in Nairobi, Kenya. This convention is the second yearly event to bring together the people and organizations that make the […]