
Who we are

With research staff from more than 60 countries, and offices across the globe, IFPRI provides research-based policy solutions to sustainably reduce poverty and end hunger and malnutrition in developing countries.


Samuel Benin

Samuel Benin is the Acting Director for Africa in the Development Strategies and Governance Unit. He conducts research on national strategies and public investment for accelerating food systems transformation in Africa and provides analytical support to the African Union’s CAADP Biennial Review.

Where we work


Where we work

IFPRI currently has more than 600 employees working in over 80 countries with a wide range of local, national, and international partners.


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Found 2927 Results

  • Crowded prices of instant noodles, Mentan men: manufacturers keep prices (CNBC Indonesia) 

    August 11, 2022

    CNBC Indonesia published an article stating that the Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan) asks the public and the food industry to continue to be alert to the potential for a global food crisis. IFPRI data (see IFPRI tool, Food & Fertilizer Export Restrictions Tracker) show that throughout June 2022, there were various export restriction policies in […]

  • Rural Bangladesh saw 22% increase in food insecurity during pandemic: IFPRI (The Daily Star) 

    August 11, 2022

    The Daily Star published an article stating around 22.3 percent more rural Bangladeshi households reported food insecurity — 18 months after the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic than pre-pandemic times, according to an IFPRI and Cornell University study that conducted three rounds of socioeconomic phone surveys in rural areas of Bangladesh in June 2020, January […]

  • Farmland values surge amid strong crop prices and inflation (Agri-Pulse) 

    August 10, 2022

    Agri-Pulse published an article stating the average value of American cropland across the country has risen by about 14 percent in 2022 as strong commodity prices and inflation eclipsed rising input and other production costs. It was the second straight year farmers saw substantial increases in the value of their land, with some of the […]

  • Deep dive: Food security’s climate (Devex Dish) 

    August 10, 2022

    Devex Dish published an article stating when COVID-19 hit, nations around the world scrambled for access to lifesaving tools to protect their citizens and curb the disease’s spread. The needs were enormous, but many countries lacked the capabilities and resources to respond. Cynthia Rosenzweig, who won the 2022 World Food Prize award highlights the increasing recognition […]

  • How Sri Lanka went from topping Lonely Planet’s list to almost 30% hunger levels (The New Humanitarian) 

    August 09, 2022

    The New Humanitarian published an article stating that against the backdrop of the pandemic and climate shocks, revenue from tourism and remittances has plunged. With utility bills and medicine costs also rising, the five employees she manages – each earns about 50,000 rupees a month – are all struggling to feed their families. Sources also […]

  • Ukraine/wheat: conflict will buoy prices until sea corridor proves worth (Financial Times) 

    August 09, 2022

    Financial Times published an article stating Ukraine and Russia have agreed on a safety zone of 10 nautical miles to protect neutral cargo ships carrying grains from the latter’s ports on the Black Sea.  Countries in the Middle East and North Africa depend on wheat from Ukraine and Russia. The latter has only recently allowed […]

  • New J-WAFS-led project combats food insecurity (Science Blog) 

    August 08, 2022

    Science Blog published a blog post about a new project to tackle one of the most urgent crises facing the planet: food insecurity. Approximately 276 million people worldwide are severely food insecure, and more than half a million face famine conditions. o better understand and analyze food security, this three-year research project will develop a […]

  • Farmers get a raw deal (the Daily Star) 

    August 06, 2022

    The Daily Star (Bangladesh) published an article stating that farmers are dealing with one crisis after another: floods, low rainfall, and then fertilizer price hikes. And now, they will have to bear the brunt of a sudden 42.5 percent rise in diesel cost, which is likely to make them spend an additional Tk 4,000 in […]

  • Saturday Morning Garden Blogging Vol. 18.32 – Food Security, part 1 of 4: Production (Daily Kos) 

    August 06, 2022

    Daily Kos published a blog post on food security. The article writes food security is a topic that has received increasing coverage in the media and increasing interest among the public over the last decade or so. While each of us has an opinion on what food security is, there have been some attempts to […]

  • Food prices fell sharply in July — but the respite may not last (CNBC) 

    August 06, 2022

    CNBC published an article stating food prices dropped significantly in July from the previous month, particularly the costs of wheat and vegetable oil. While the drop in food prices “from very high levels” is “welcome,” there are doubts over whether the good news will last. Analysts cited a mix of both demand and supply reasons […]