
Who we are

With research staff from more than 60 countries, and offices across the globe, IFPRI provides research-based policy solutions to sustainably reduce poverty and end hunger and malnutrition in developing countries.


Samuel Benin

Samuel Benin is the Acting Director for Africa in the Development Strategies and Governance Unit. He conducts research on national strategies and public investment for accelerating food systems transformation in Africa and provides analytical support to the African Union’s CAADP Biennial Review.

Where we work


Where we work

IFPRI currently has more than 600 employees working in over 80 countries with a wide range of local, national, and international partners.


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Found 2927 Results

  • Chili peppers, coffee, wine: how the climate crisis is causing food shortages (The Guardian) 

    July 05, 2022

    The Guardian published an article on how climate change-related events such as heat, storms, droughts, floods and fires are putting food production at risk. Many foods like chili peppers, wheat, and fruits are affected by these weather conditions. For example, apples are another food already at risk. Last year’s apple harvest in Michigan and Wisconsin […]

  • Rising prices to push people into poverty (The Nation) 

    July 05, 2022

    The Nation (Malawi) published an article stating that IFPRI finds the rise in global commodity prices has raised Malawi’s national poverty headcount rate by 2.1 percentage points. In a brief, IFPRI states the increase is equivalent to an additional 394,000 people falling below the international poverty line. IFPRI also states, “Overall, the combined effect of […]

  • Narrowing the urban-rural income gap needs greater priority, analysts say (China Daily) 

    July 05, 2022

    China Daily published an article stating that greater priority must be given to narrowing the income gap between China’s urban and rural areas. Senior research fellow Kevin Chen who works in the IFPRI-Beijing office said the vitalization of rural areas is a key step for the nation to complete a transition to high-quality growth and […]

  • EU renewable ethanol plants saw greater feed output than fuel in 2021 (Feed Navigator)

    July 05, 2022

    Feed Navigator published an article stating that the food crisis caused by the war in Ukraine has reignited the food versus biofuel debate.  Senior research fellow David Laborde and Christopher Goeul, in an op-ed for Le Monde, wrote that the loss of Ukrainian agricultural production can be partly compensated by ceasing to support biofuels. The […]

  • Global response to soaring food prices: Generosity is just a start (Christian Science Monitor) 

    July 05, 2022

    Christian Science Monitor published an article stating that agricultural and food production experts are convinced that with the right seeds, better technology, improved storage and delivery infrastructure, and stronger climate resilience, farmers can do much more. However, there is a growing threat to food availability– “food nationalism” –the tendency of some food-producing countries to respond […]

  • These countries are banning food exports (24/7 Wall St) 

    July 04, 2022

    24/7 Wall St published an article on how inflation is showing no signs of slowing down. One way that some countries are dealing with shortages of foods, cooking oil, etc., is by banning food exports. To determine the countries banning food exports, 24/7 Wall St. reviewed IFPRI’s Food & Fertilizer Export Restrictions Tracker. The nations […]

  • Tackling food security from the ground up (EFT Trends) 

    July 02, 2022

    EFT Trends published an article about food prices at an all-time high and how demand continues to grow. The agriculture industry is embracing new technologies to achieve greater yields in a more environmentally sustainable way. This article included an IFPRI graph titled, “Russia/Ukraine Conflict: Largest Disruption to Global Food Markets Since 2008.” 

  • World faces major food crisis: What’s the cause? Which countries are most hit? (First Post) 

    July 01, 2022

    First Post published an article stating that the Global Report on Food Crises, 2022 by World Food Programme revealed that levels of hunger all across the world remain alarmingly high. The year 2021 broke all previous records since close to 193 million people across 53 countries were acutely food insecure. Many countries, now, are looking […]

  • International trade makes economies resilient (U.S. Chamber of Commerce) 

    June 30, 2022

    U.S. Chamber of Commerce published an article on how the global trading system is increasingly under pressure as it weathers disruptions stemming from the ongoing pandemic, trade disputes, and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. The U.S. approach to trade is also being questioned by some politicians and interest groups who deem international trade harmful to American […]

  • War heightening concerns about long-term future of free trade (Baking Business) 

    June 30, 2022

    Baking Business published an article stating that amid the chaos currently prevailing in ingredient markets and the urgency with which bakers and other food manufacturers are working to keep production facilities supplied, longer-term global implications of the crisis hover ominously. Primary among questions is concern about the future of free trade and open markets. Prompt […]