Publications and Datasets
IFPRI publications provide evidence-based insights and analysis on critical issues related to policies for food systems, food security, agriculture, diets and nutrition, poverty, and sustainability, helping to inform effective policies and strategies. Materials published by IFPRI are released under a Creative Commons license, and are available for download. IFPRI authors also publish in external sources, such as academic journals and books. Where possible we provide a download link for the full text of these publications.
Featured Publications
Journal Article
Disruptions and adaptations of an urban nutrition intervention delivering essential services for women and children during a major health system crisis in Dhaka, Bangladesh
Frongillo, Edward A.Journal Article
Computer vision–assisted dietary assessment through mobile phones in female youth in urban Ghana: Validity against weighed records and comparison with 24-h recalls
Folson, GloriaJournal Article
Compliance with food safety measures and their economic impact on smallholder dairy farmers: Evidence from the Indo-Gangetic plains of India
2024Katoch, Sonali; Kumar, Anjani; Kolady, Deepthi E.; Sharma, KritiExplore Our Latest Publications
By Title By Author By Country/Region By Keyword
Journal Article
Adapting the Women’s empowerment in nutrition index: Lessons from Kenya
Journal Article
Men can cook: Effectiveness of a men’s engagement intervention to change attitudes and behaviors in rural Ethiopia
Journal Article
Diets, fruit and vegetables consumption, and nutritional status in Benin: A scoping review
Working Paper
Characteristics of community seed schemes for grains and legumes: Insights from northern Nigeria
Drivers of agrifood system transformation in Odisha
Working Paper
Food avoidance among breastfeeding mothers in Myanmar and its impacts on maternal dietary quality
Can social assistance reduce violent conflict and civil unrest? Evidence from a large-scale public works program in Ethiopia
Working Paper
Conflict, aspirations, and women’s empowerment: Household survey evidence from farmer-herder conflicts in Nigeria
The true costs of food production in Viet Nam
IFPRI Malawi maize market report, November 2024
The true costs of food production in Kenya
How do policy environments influence technology adoption? Insights from Nigeria’s pod borer resistant (PBR) cowpea experience
Women’s Voice and Agency in the MGNREGA in Odisha: Baseline Data
Food Security Simulator – Ethiopia
Journal Article
Rethinking responses to the world’s water crises
Robin, Libby; Talbot-Jones, Julia; Wheeler, Sarah Ann; Avarado, Fabiola; Hope, Robert; Biswas, Asit K.; Borgomeo, Edoardo; Brouwer, Roy; Costanza, Robert; Kubiszewski, Ida; Kompas, Tom; McDonnell, Rachael; Martins, Rita; Nikolakis, William; Rollason, Russell; Samnakay, Nadeem; Scanlon, Bridget R.; Svensson, Jesper; Thiam, Djiby; Tortajada, Cecilia; Wang, YahuaWorking Paper
Food system financing vulnerability index
Constraints to agricultural mechanization in Ethiopia: The case of solar irrigation pumps
Working Paper
Myanmar Agricultural Performance Survey (Dry Season 2024): Farm commercialization and farm services
Gender and age employment gaps within agrifood value chains in Bangladesh and Uganda
Working Paper
Rainy day funds? How men and women adapt to heavy rainfall shocks and the role of cash transfers in Mali
Evolution of food insecurity in Sudan during the ongoing conflict
Elites’ response to women’s action committees and local services in Nigeria
Working Paper
Rethinking the measurement of resilience for food and nutrition security
Scaling up experiential learning for water management
Working Paper
How can anticipatory action programming support women? Application of the reach-benefit-empower-transform framework in Nepal and Nigeria
Journal Article
Nutrient-dense foods and diverse diets are important for ensuring adequate nutrition across the life course
Working Paper
Price and volatility transmission from international to domestic food and fertilizer markets in Central America
Working Paper
Would you rather: Voluntary take-up of a poverty graduation program among cash transfer recipients
Journal Article
Household resilience and coping strategies to food insecurity: An empirical analysis from Tajikistan
Journal Article
Leveraging unsupervised machine learning to examine women’s vulnerability to climate change
Journal Article
Impact of adoption of climate smart agriculture practices on farmer’s income in semi-arid regions of Karnataka
Journal Article
Indicators for monitoring and evaluating research-for-development: A critical review of a system in use
Journal Article
The technopolitics of agronomic knowledge and tropical(izing) vegetables in Brazil
Journal Article
Compliance with food safety measures and their economic impact on smallholder dairy farmers: Evidence from the Indo-Gangetic plains of India
Journal Article
Suboptimal nutritional status of school-age children in Addis Ababa: evidence from the analysis of socioeconomic, environmental, and behavioral factors
Journal Article
Sustainable poverty reduction through social assistance: Modality, context, and complementary programming in Bangladesh
Working Paper
Can social assistance reduce violent conflict and civil unrest? Evidence from a large-scale public works programme in Ethiopia
Working Paper
Securing food, building livelihoods? A 15-year appraisal of Ethiopia’s Productive Safety Net Programme
Working Paper
The role of social assistance in African crises: A systematic literature review
Overlapping school and farming calendars in Madagascar: Simulating gains of alternative school calendars
Journal Article
Sustainability considerations are not influencing meat consumption in the US
Journal Article
Analyzing hypertension and diabetes mellitus status among Bangladeshi adults: Evidence from Bangladesh Demographic Health Survey (BDHS) 2017–18 data
Journal Article
Self-selection versus population-based sampling for evaluation of an agronomy training program in Uganda
Journal Article
Monitoring biofortification program performance and potential for impact: Indicators, methods, and learnings from the commercialization of biofortified crops program in six countries across Africa and Asia
Journal Article
Building resilience through integrated assistance: Evidence from the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Journal Article
Harness agrifood value chains to help farmers be climate smart: Incentives and structures exist to improve farming practices
Working Paper
Supply- and demand-side factors affecting maize and cowpea varietal turnover and quality seed use: Mixed-method evidence from northern Nigeria
Working Paper
A mixed-method study on gender and intrahousehold differences in food consumption from Khatlon Province, Tajikistan
Managing agricultural enterprises and developing agricultural value chains: Cases on agribusinesses
Working Paper
Catalyzing financial inclusion: Using incentives to promote mobile money use in Ethiopia
Enhancing experiential learning through community debriefs: A reflection from facilitators of experiential games
Book Chapter
Between tradition and modernity: Exploring the differences in factors driving happiness in indigenous and the general population in Bangladesh
Working Paper
The changing demographics in food systems and implications for future youth engagement in Rwanda
Monitoring the agri-food system in Myanmar: Agricultural input retailers – August 2024 survey round
Working Paper
Soft-skills training, locus of control, and labor market outcomes of youth: Evidence from a randomized intervention in Kenya
Working Paper
The state of food security and nutrition in Myanmar 2021-24: Findings from seven rounds of the Myanmar Household Welfare Survey
Working Paper
Financial inclusion, agricultural inputs use, and household food security evidence from Nigeria
Groundwater games in Barahathawa: Lessons and implications
Monitoring the agri-food system in Myanmar: The rising costs of diets – September 2024 survey round
Working Paper
Rice productivity in Myanmar: Assessment of the 2024 dry season
Working Paper
Use of digital tools in Kenya’s potato value chains: Qualitative perspectives from a field visit in Nakuru County
Healthy Diets: Practices, misconceptions, and expert recommendations
Training Material
Nigeria school feeding program: Baseline farmers’ survey instrument
Training Material
Nigeria school feeding program: Train the trainers training manual
Training Material
Nigeria school feeding program: Baseline cooks’ survey instrument
Training Material
Nigeria school feeding program: Pre- and post-test training quiz questions for cooks
Training Material
Nigeria school feeding program: Baseline school administrators’ survey instrument
Understanding the diffusion pattern of potato varieties in India
Myanmar Monthly Food Price Report – October 2024
Book Chapter
Climate change and food security in Africa’s drylands
Resilient Cities urban nutrition profile: Philippines
Resilient Cities urban nutrition profile: Sri Lanka
Resilient Cities urban nutrition profile: Bangladesh
Resilient cities urban nutrition profile: Peru
Resilient Cities urban nutrition profile: Ethiopia
The socioeconomic impact of armed conflict on Sudanese urban households: Evidence from a National Urban Household Survey
Durrani, Akbar; Nohra, NadaBrief
Nutrition and diet profile: Benin
Monitoring the agri-food system in Myanmar: Agricultural crop traders – June 2024 survey
IFPRI Malawi maize market report, October 2024
Working Paper
Rural-urban diet convergence in Bangladesh
Working Paper
Medium-scale livestock farms in Asia’s rapidly transforming food systems
Working Paper
Adapting to climate change: The case of saline tolerant seed varieties in coastal Bangladesh
Working Paper
Gendered drivers of varietal turnover: A qualitative assessment for improved teff and wheat varieties in Ethiopia
Challenges for private sector job matching in rural Egypt: Results from a survey of Forsa employers
Journal Article
Can survey design reduce anchoring bias in recall data? Evidence from smallholder farmers in Malawi
Nature+ Quantitative Baseline Household and Worker Survey, Viet Nam
Nature+ Quantitative Baseline Household & Worker Survey, Kenya
Journal Article
Crowding in private quality: The equilibrium effects of public spending in education
Journal Article
Computer vision–assisted dietary assessment through mobile phones in female youth in urban Ghana: Validity against weighed records and comparison with 24-h recalls
Folson, GloriaBrief
Improving resource targeting in Niger: Joint financial analysis and food system mapping
Journal Article
Africa pathway to food systems transformation: Challenges and opportunities
Journal Article
Experimental measures of intra-household resource control
Journal Article
Mobile phones, income diversification, and poverty reduction in rural Bangladesh
Journal Article
Restoring functional integrity of the global production ecosystem through biological control
Hadi, Buyung A.R.Journal Article
Endogenous technologies and productivity in rice production: Roles of social instability in Myanmar since 2021
Food environment research in Sri Lanka: A desk review
Journal Article
Impacts of gender-inclusive extension approaches on farmer understanding and willingness to pay for bundled financial services
Journal Article
Can transfers and complementary nutrition programming reduce intimate partner violence four years post-program? Experimental evidence from Bangladesh
Journal Article
A framework for cost-effectiveness analysis of greenhouse gas mitigation measures in dairy industry with an application to dairy farms in China
Journal Article