Found 1166 Results
Study: Human milk banks offer a promising option to address sub-Saharan Africa’s staggeringly high neonatal mortality rates
Positive impacts of a program in Kenya.
Act now to address Malawi’s looming food crisis
Harvest shortfalls caused by severe drought conditions.
Southern Africa drought: Impacts on maize production
With harvests of a key staple falling, some positive signs.
Global fertilizer trade 2021-2023: What happened after war-related price spikes
Impacts of shifting market flows.
The war in Ukraine continues to undermine the food security of millions
The struggle to recover amid conflict.
Global cocoa market sees steep price rise amid supply shortfall
Weather and other factors trigger volatility.
A changing landscape: Plots, crops, infrastructure, and livestock in the Khatlon Province
Evolving practices with potential impacts for nutrition.
Policy seminar: Reforming agricultural policies to sustainably transform food systems
Country experiences show the way forward.
An evidence-based approach to climate change in Central Asia: Tajikistan and the Global Methane Pledge
Evidence-driven policymaking yields progress on key goals.