Journal Article
Uncovering the gap: Assessing the compliance of the Canadian food availability with dietary recommendations and its impact on the environment
Book Chapter
The youth dividend and agricultural revival in India
Intellectual property rights regimes, their assets, and limitations
The Emperor’s new NAFTA
The new trade agreement between the Canada, Mexico, and the United States looks a lot like its predecessor.
HLPF panel: Countries must act now to reshape global food systems, achieve SDGs
Hunger and malnutrition are on the rise. Strong political leadership and targeted investments are needed to put food systems back on track – a discussion.
Canadian perspectives on the 2018 GFPR: Building women’s empowerment and food security
Efforts by Canada and others to promote gender equality in food systems—a discussion.
Trade disruptions and their impacts on agricultural markets: Looking back and ahead
Also streaming on Please type your questions into the chat box with name, affiliation, and country. The event video, presenter slides, and podcast will be available in the days following the event. Global agricultural markets have been in a constant state of uproar over the past 5 years. Trade wars between major trading nations such as […]
IFPRI @ Adaptation Futures 2023
Event: October 2, 2023 – 9:00 AM to October 6, 2023 – 6:00 PM EDT. IFPRI is participating in Adaptation Futures 2023 conference. The AF2023 Conference seeks to learn from Indigenous, local knowledge and voices in climate change adaptation research, policies, practices, and actions around the world.
Market Concentration in the Grain Industry: Implications for Food Security?
Virtual IFPRI-AMIS Seminar Series: September 7, 2023 at 9:30am-11:00am EDT. This session will examine whether increased concentration necessarily leads to increased market power or simply reflects the underlying economic efficiencies controlling value chains.
Russia’s war heats up cooking oil prices in global squeeze (ABC News)
ABC News published an article stating that global cooking oil prices have been rising since the COVID-19 pandemic began for multiple reasons, from poor harvests in South America to virus-related labor shortages and steadily increasing demand from the biofuel industry. The war in Ukraine — which supplies nearly half of the world’s sunflower oil, on […]
A global food crisis looms amid the war in Ukraine. But there’s a way Canada can help (CBC News)
CBC News (Canada) published an article on how the pandemic and inflation, and now, war and sanctions are threatening food security. Ukrainian land is being shattered by bombs, its seaports disrupted by blockades, and its working-age population increasingly focused on burying enemy soldiers instead of seeds. The ripple effects of this will hit the world’s […]
The cost of lving (Radio One)
Radio One (News Talk Canada) interviewed senior research fellow Joseph Glauber on US trade in the Americas. “The US can now get fruit year-round. During winter, fruit comes from Mexico or Central America. In the summer, the U.S. eats local, in the winter we don’t.” The tension comes during, what Glauber calls the “Shoulder season” or Spring. “We […]