Statistics from space: Next-generation agriculture production information for enhanced monitoring of food security in Mozambique
Journal Article
A qualitative study of maternal and paternal parenting knowledge and practices in rural Mozambique
Training in data collection using spatial sampling approach: Training description and evaluation
Mozambique’s Supplemental Land Tenure Survey, 2015
Randomized Control Trial Baseline Data on Use of Improved Efficient Cookstoves in Mozambique
Randomized Control Trial Endline Data on Use of Improved Efficient Cookstoves in Mozambique
Climate Risk to Resilience: Financing adaptation in African countries
New insights for scaling up efforts in Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, and Zambia.
Text reminders encourage more women to seek family planning services: Evidence from a randomized control trial in Mozambique
Benefits of a “nudge” approach.
COVID-19 school closures and adolescent mental health: Evidence from Mozambique
How 7th graders contend with pandemic stresses.
Innovation for Agribusiness (InovAgro) Project Impact Evaluation Results Dissemination Workshop
Virtual Event: OCT 28, 2021 – 02:00 PM to 03:30 PM CAT. This workshop will disseminate the results of the impact evaluation of the InovAgro project's interventions.
Market Systems Development Best Practices Dissemination Workshop
SDC contracted IFPRI to conduct an independent quantitative impact assessment of the effects of InovAgro, an MSD project. The study, which had a baseline in 2015, longitudinally measures the impact on families of InovAgro’s approach to developing market systems for livelihoods of rural families in the value chains of soybean and pigeon peas in northern Mozambique. One […]
Land Tenure and Perceived Tenure Security in the Era of Social and Economic Transformation in Africa
Access to land and land tenure security are increasingly important for young people in Africa where population pressure has reduced the land frontier. In this webinar, we will discuss findings from a recent set of studies in Ethiopia, Malawi, Mozambique, and Nigeria that examined land access and perceived tenure security across various market, ecological, demographic, […]
When rich economies cut emissions, poor ones stand to benefit, study says (Mongabay)
Mongabay reported on the findings of a study on the effects of climate change in Mozambique, Malawi, and Zambia, co-authored by Channing Arndt. The article described the study’s key takeaways, namely that if rich countries cut their emissions in half by 2050, reduced demand would lower prices in developing countries and consequently boost their economic growth. However, simultaneous increases to […]
For low-income countries, climate action pays off by 2050
April 29, 2019, Washington, D.C. – Successful global efforts to substantially limit greenhouse gas emissions would likely boost GDP growth of poorer countries over the next 30 years, according to new research published in Climatic Change. Researchers examined the impact global climate change mitigation would have on the economies of poorer countries – specifically Malawi, […]
Statistics from Space
In Mozambique the unreliable and untimely agricultural production data are both a symptom and a cause of relatively low agricultural investment and development in recent……