
Working Paper
Chinese artificial intelligence in Africa: Digital colonisation or liberalisation?

Book Chapter
Government response to ultra-processed and sugar beverages industries in developing nations: The need to build coalitions across policy sectors

Journal Article
Stories of change in nutrition: Lessons from a new generation of studies from Africa, Asia and Europe

How countries have coped with recent agricultural trade disruptions
Lessons from IFPRI research.

Delivering for Nutrition in South Asia 2024 Conference: Connecting the dots across systems
Exploring the interconnectedness of food systems.

Workshop: Assessing on-the-ground impacts of genetic innovation in agriculture
A coordinated multi-country approach.

Delivering for Nutrition in South Asia: Connecting the Dots Across Systems
South Asia grapples with escalating levels of malnutrition in various forms, including undernutrition, overweight and obesity, and micronutrient deficiencies, alongside increasing incidence of diet-related non-communicable diseases. Malnutrition results from a complex interplay of factors incorporating household and individual decision-making, agriculture and food systems, healthcare services, education, and socio-ecological systems that determine access to services and […]

Building Resilience, Inclusive Growth, and Holistic Transformation in Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka has experienced slow progress in job creation, poverty reduction, and food insecurity, especially in rural areas. Economic challenges are further compounded by climate change risks and vulnerability to global shocks. At the same time, Sri Lanka has immense potential in agriculture and agro-processing, critical needs for infrastructure development, and a large scope for […]

South Asia Launch | Nepal | 2024 Global Food Policy Report: Food Systems for Healthy Diets and Nutrition
Despite significant progress in addressing hunger and undernutrition in the early 2000s, malnutrition, in all its forms, remains a major challenge in all regions of the world. Unhealthy diets remain the primary drivers of many forms of malnutrition, including undernutrition, overweight and obesity, micronutrient deficiencies, and diet- related noncommunicable diseases. Today, the number of people […]
Why India’s rice ban could trigger a global food crisis (BBC)
“What happens when India bans exports of a food staple that is essential to the diets of billions around the world?” writes the BBC. “India is the world’s top rice exporter, accounting for some 40% of the global trade in the cereal. Among the major buyers of rice are China, the Philippines and Nigeria.” “I suspect that […]
Rice crops are being threatened by El Nino after grain supplies were disrupted by the war in Ukraine (Associated Press)
“Warmer, drier weather because of an earlier-than-usual El Niño is expected to hamper rice production across Asia, hitting global food security in a world still reeling from the impacts of the war in Ukraine,” writes the Associated Press. “That’s bad news for rice farmers, particularly in Asia where 90% of the world’s rice is grown and […]
Food insecurity, undernourishment deepen in South Asia (Nepal News)
“Food insecurity and undernourishment are deepening lately in the South Asia including Nepal, according to the 2023 Global Food Policy Report prepared by the International Food Policy Research Institute,” writes Nepal News in a story dedicated to the presentation of the 2023 Global Food Policy Report in Nepal on June 20, 2023. COVID-19 pandemic, Russia-Ukraine war, […]

Food & Agricultural System Transformation Research (FASTR)
Odisha has made significant strides in its journey in agriculture through initiatives such as the Samrudhi Agricultural Policy-2020, digitization of its key development schemes, developing……

South Asia Nutrition Knowledge Initiative (SANI)
The South Asia Nutrition Knowledge Initiative (SANI), aims to bring data and evidence to policy and program communities for supporting decision-making for optimal nutrition for……