
From risk to resilience: How strategic government partnerships can enhance access to insurance-linked credit for smallholders in Zambia
The power of bundled solutions

Adapt, assess, progress: Integrating measures of women’s empowerment into rural development projects
A new tool developed by IFPRI and IFAD.

Soaring cocoa prices: Diverse impacts and implications for key West African producers
Effects of climate change and El Niño.

High-Level Partners Roundtable: Keys to strengthening institutions and investments in climate-smart agri-food systems to improve smallholder livelihoods in Africa
In-Person Special Event: April 9, 2024 – 4:30 PM- 6:00 PM EDT. In this roundtable, speakers will reflect on the broader context of food systems transformation, emphasizing the importance of partnerships, learning, and actionable insights in addressing food insecurity and climate resilience in Africa.

From Farm to Table: Agrifood Systems and Trade Challenges in the Southern Cone
Virtual Event: December 12, 2023 – 9:30 AM- 11:00 AM EST. During this event speakers will present an analysis of the main challenges faced by national agrifood systems in the Southern Cone, especially in relation to new regulations and barriers that may affect international trade and export conditions.

Transforming Africa’s Food System with Digital Technologies
African countries have made considerable progress in increasing agricultural productivity and reducing hunger, malnutrition, and poverty. But continued population growth, urbanization, changing diets, and climate change are putting pressure on food systems not only to provide more food but also to make more diverse and nutritious foods available and accessible. New digital technologies and services […]
How mobile phone towers could help monitor rainfall in developing countries (The Conversation)
The Conversation published an op-ed by Research fellow Yanyan Liu and coauthors about the importance of accurate precipitation measurements that are essential to farmers to monitor crop yields. Farmers also rely on rain-fed agriculture. The researchers used commercial microwave links – wireless connections between mobile phone towers – from different locations in the world, as an effective low-cost way to […]
Farmers In Sub-Saharan Africa Still Store Grain Traditionally, Says FAO (Latest Nigerian News)
Latest Nigerian News published an article on grain storage and food loss. The article includes findings from an IFPRI study that shows a lack of access to market causes post-harvest losses in the country’s maize value chain.
Empowering Africa’s women farmers (Newsday)
Newsday (Zimbabwe) reported on an op-ed by Ruth Meinzen-Dick. The op-ed explains that over 60% of all employed women in Sub-Saharan Africa work in agriculture. Yet the region’s women farmers often reap a meager harvest, not because of inclement weather or poor soil quality, but because of their gender. Republished in The Namibian, The Times […]