Chinese agricultural producers face great uncertainty every day due to volatile commodity prices, skyrocketing input costs, uncontrollable weather, and an ever-changing globalized trade environment. Therefore, Chinese agricultural policy that supports farming families during periods of economic uncertainty and enhances their competitiveness in the global marketplace is needed.
The 9th CAER-IFPRI Annual Conference on Chinese agricultural issues brings together internationally and nationally renowned scholars to discuss key issues and share insights with audiences on the following topics:
- Agriculture technology innovation and Productivity,
- Agricultural Market and Trade,
- Rural Development and Institutional Transformation,
- Food Consumption and Nutrition; Food Security and Food Safety,
- Rural Health; Rural Finance,
- Climate Change and Environment,
- Agribusiness and Supply Chain Management,
- Resources utilization and Agricultural development,
- CGE Modeling of Agri-food, Resource and Economic Systems in China,
- Labor Transition and Family Welfare in Rural China,
- Family and Health Relationships in China,
- China-Africa Economic Relationship and New Opportunities for African Development,