
Who we are

With research staff from more than 60 countries, and offices across the globe, IFPRI provides research-based policy solutions to sustainably reduce poverty and end hunger and malnutrition in developing countries.

Emily Schmidt

Emily Schmidt is a Senior Research Fellow in the Development Strategies and Governance Unit. Her most recent research explores household livelihood strategies in Papua New Guinea, including linkages between agriculture, poverty, and nutrition outcomes among rural smallholder farmers.


What we do

Since 1975, IFPRI’s research has been informing policies and development programs to improve food security, nutrition, and livelihoods around the world.

Where we work


Where we work

IFPRI currently has more than 600 employees working in over 80 countries with a wide range of local, national, and international partners.

Rural Transformation in the 21st Century: The Challenges of Low-Income, Late-Transforming Countries

Pre-conference workshop of the 30th International Conference of Agricultural Economists


The Westin Bayshore, Vancouver

1601 Bayshore Drive

Vancouver, Canada

July 28, 2018

  • 8:30 – 5:00 pm (America/Vancouver)
  • 11:30 – 8:00 pm (US/Eastern)
  • 9:00 – 5:30 am (Asia/Kolkata)

Rural Transformation refers to the change (usually as part of an economy-wide process of structural transformation) of rural areas that are poor and largely based on agriculture to more diversified and prosperous ones. Countries undergoing the process in the 21st century face a different context than those that did so in the 19th or 20th centuries. Competition from foreign suppliers is tough, even in local markets in low income countries. Jobs for young people are scarce. Late-transformers lag, rather than lead, global technical innovation. Migration is risky.

The CGIAR Research Program on Policies, Institutions, and Markets (PIM) will convene a pre-conference workshop on the topic “Rural Transformation in the 21st Century: The Challenges of Low-Income, Late-Transforming Countries as part of the International Conference of Agricultural Economists (July 28 – August 2, 2018, Vancouver, BC, Canada).

Click here for full agenda.