Wye and Brook India Trust published an article that offered statistics on child marriage. Child marriage – that is, any formal or informal union of a child under the age of 18 – causes devastating health and economic consequences for individuals, families, and societies, particularly in South Asia. Globally, 12 million girls under 18 are married each year, which is about 23 cases every minute. The article used research from IFPRI’s study, Early marriage and early childbearing in South Asia: trends, inequalities, and drivers from 2005 to 2018 including that here are many reasons why early marriage and early childbearing persist in South Asia. Complex marriage laws and customary social pressures, customs, and beliefs encourage parents to marry their young daughters. It can avoid high dowry payments, which increase as girls get older and more educated. The social and economic costs of not marrying off a daughter are perceived to outweigh the benefits.
Let’s stop child marriage (W and B India Trust)
January 17, 2021