Financial Express (Bangladesh) published an article on the changes Bangladesh has made over the years. It has survived disasters and been the victim of disasters. Bangladesh began to turn itself around with transformations in infrastructure, communications, and social safety nets. In 2001, IFPRI published a book titled Out of the shadow of Famine. The title itself was a signal of this change of Bangladesh. Bangladesh’s vulnerability remains in multiple other dimensions. But Bangladesh has definitely come out of the phenomenon of deaths due to famine and epidemics. This is a massive change. The transformation from rural-urban divide to rural-urban continuum: Bangladesh has a small landmass. But earlier, the cities and the villages were two different worlds. We used to call it the rural-urban divide. This has also changed. We have now what I call a “rural-urban continuum.”
Shift in thinking of progress essential for Bangladesh’s next transition (Financial Express)
March 26, 2021