ReliefWeb published an article stating that leading experts released a series of studies that indicate ways to move towards the resolution of this fundamental issue for the future of humanity. In one study, Ceres2030, the authors wrote, ‘the world produces enough food for everyone…” If the contributions of the richest countries are doubled as requested, “with technology, innovation, education, social protection, and trade facilitation” hunger can be overcome within the deadlines set by the international community. Senior Research Fellow David Laborde added that in addition to the contribution of donor countries, the poorest countries must increase spending from their own budgets to achieve the SDGs “and double the income of 545 million small-scale farmers and limit agricultural emissions in accordance with the Paris Climate Agreement.” Republished in Nigeria News Shafaqna, South Africa Shafaqna, Before It’s News, Inter Press Service, Rebelion (Spain).
World: Food security bursts onto the global agenda (Reliefweb)
October 21, 2020