CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems (WLE), led by IWMI, is dedicated to making agri-food systems environmentally and socially sustainable. They do so by taking scientific findings from across disciplines and applying this knowledge to effect large scale changes in how agricultural interventions and investments are made. WLE also works to increase the resilience of communities and farmers who are part of these systems.
Working Paper
Irrigation schemes in Ethiopia’s Awash River Basin: An examination of physical, knowledge, and governance infrastructures
Journal Article
Reconciling conservation and development requires enhanced integration and broader aims: A cross- continental assessment of landscape approaches
Meinzen-Dick, Ruth S.; Milder, Jeff; Quintero, Marcela; Remans, Roseline; Valbuena, Diego; Willement, Louise; Zanzanaini, Camilla; Zhang, WeiWorking Paper
Small-scale irrigation protects farmers from climate-extreme events: Insights from the 2015/2016 ENSO in Ethiopia
Boosting synergies and managing trade-offs in food systems
Virtual Event: OCT 21, 2021 – 08:00 AM to 09:00 AM EDT. This webinar discusses evidence, actions and lessons learned on how to leverage biodiversity in our food systems for people and planet.
Accelerating clean energy access in rural areas
Virtual Event: OCT 5, 2021 – 08:00 AM to 09:00 AM EDT. This webinar will present research that can help countries enhance smallholder access to clean energy and address climate adaptation/ mitigation challenges.
Migration and Gender Dynamics in Irrigation Governance in Nepal
Widespread male migration from rural areas is one of the most important forces shaping agrarian transformation in Nepal. One particularly important area affected is the governance and management of local public goods, especially irrigation systems. Given the crucial role of irrigation in agricultural productivity and food security, attention to gender in irrigation governance is not […]
Accelerating rural energy access in the race to net zero carbon emissions
Bringing key innovations to smallholders.
A behavioral perspective on improving water governance in India
Insights into achieving sustainable irrigation.
Optimizing seasonal-spatial crop production to improve its economic-environmental performance in Bangladesh
The advantages of science-based land use planning.