Irish Aid is the Irish government’s program for overseas development and managed by the Development Co-operation Division of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. Irish Aid works to fight global poverty, end hunger, provide humanitarian aid, and is particularly focused on Sub-Saharan Africa. Irish Aid supports long-term development and provides humanitarian assistance in more than eighty countries.
Value Chains Knowledge Portal
The Value Chains knowledge portal ( is a repository of tools and methods, publications, training content, and information about events related to value chain research……
Alive and Thrive
Alive & Thrive is a multi-year initiative that began in 2009 to combat global child undernutrition through interventions to support appropriate infant and young child……
Journal Article
Defining and measuring policy coherence for food system transformation: A scoping review
Journal Article
Food systems interventions for nutrition: Lessons from 6 program evaluations in Africa and South Asia
Neufeld, Lynnette M.; Nordhagen, Stella; Leroy, Jef L.; Aberman, Noora-Lisa; Barnett, Inka; Wouabe, Eric Djimeu; Girard, Amy Webb; Gonzalez, Wendy; Levin, Carol E.; Mbuya, Mduduzi NN
Nakasone, Eduardo; Dhillon, Christina Nyhus; Prescott, Dave; Smith, Matt; Tschirley, DavidJournal Article
Food systems interventions for nutrition: Lessons from six program evaluations in Africa and South Asia
Neufeld, Lynnette M.; Nordhagen, Stella; Leroy, Jef L.; Aberman, Noora-Lisa; Barnett, Inka; Wouabe, Eric Djimeu; Girard, Amy Webb; Gonzalez, Wendy; Levin, Carol E.; Mbuya, Mduduzi N. N.
Nakasone, Eduardo; Dhillon, Christina Nyhus; Prescott, Dave; Smith, Matt; Tschirley, DavidBlogs
Evaluating impacts: Lessons from food systems interventions across Africa and Asia
By Jef L. Leroy, Lynnette Neufeld, Stella Nordhagen, and Sydney Honeycutt
Transforming food systems is promising but complex, requiring strong evidence and rigorous evaluations to ensure effective interventions.