
Can cooperatives commercialize farming in Malawi?

Working Paper
Primary agricultural cooperatives in Malawi: Structure, conduct, and performance

Journal Article
Role of interactive radio programming in advancing women’s and youth’s empowerment and dietary diversity: Mixed method evidence from Malawi

Photo essay: Talking to farmers in Malawi to understand how to improve agricultural cooperative performance
By Cynthia Kazembe and Kristin Davis
Focus groups and other approaches help clarify what works.

IFPRI mentorship journeys: Developing insights into consumer demand for tilapia in urban Malawi
By Sandra Fröbe-Kaltenbach and Cynthia Kazembe
A master's student and IFPRI researcher examine a key issue for food value chains.

IFPRI mentorship journeys: Providing advice and research support for Malawi agriculture students
By Sandra Fröbe-Kaltenbach and Cynthia Kazembe
A master's student and an IFPRI researcher shepherd a thesis to publication—part of the Bunda Grant Scheme program.