
Country profile – Senegal: Gender, climate change, and nutrition linkages

Working Paper
Nature-positive agriculture for people and the planet: A qualitative analysis from Kenya

Working Paper
Do public works investments in watershed rehabilitation and small-scale irrigation improve nutrition and resilience? Evidence from bureau for humanitarian assistance interventions in support of Ethiopia’s productive safety net program

Integrating gender perspectives to prevent or reduce climate crisis impacts
Why women are key to building resilience.

Call to action: Addressing gender inequality in agrifood systems for effective responses to climate change
Launching an Innovation Sprint on Gender and Climate Action.

Feeding Africa: how small-scale irrigation can help farmers to change the game
Strong evidence of the relationship between small-scale irrigation, food security, diet quality, and nutrition.

The Unjust Climate: Measuring the impacts of climate change on rural poor, women, and youth
Virtual Event: June 18, 2024 at 9:30am-11:00am EDT. This event will discuss key results from the report and hear from policymakers, practitioners, and partners on how they are working to generate relevant evidence and make a difference on the ground.

IFPRI @ 28th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP28)
IFPRI is pleased to participate in the 28th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP28) being held in Dubai from November 30 to December 12, 2023. IFPRI’s Board of Trustees is meeting in Dubai on December 8, 2023, and a number of researchers will engage in meetings and participate in several side events, as […]

From Research to Impact: Towards just and Resilient Agri-food Systems
Conference: October 09, 2023 – 9:00 AM to October 12, 2023 – 6:00 PM IST. IFPRI is participating in the 2023 annual CGIAR gender research conference will take place in New Delhi, India.
CGIAR and partners launch Innovation Sprint on Gender and Climate Action
December 3, 2023, Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE). CGIAR and partners have committed US$31 million over four years (2023-2027) to ensure that climate innovations in agrifood systems are designed to work for women and rolled out in ways that address underlying gender inequalities. Together with 20 partners, CGIAR launched the AIM for Climate Innovation Sprint on […]
Feeding Africa: How small-scale irrigation can help farmers to change the game (The Conversation)
The importance of small-scale irrigation to farmers and its numerous benefits, including increasing agricultural productivity and incomes. It can contribute more rapidly to the achievement of national agricultural and development goals compared to large irrigation schemes and can improve nutritional outcomes in several important ways are discussed In an op-ed in The Conversation (United States edition) […]