
Digital literacy training to promote diffusion of digital agricultural tools to smallholder farmers

Working Paper
Digital tools for smallholders in Egypt: The launch of a new price monitoring tool – Mahsoly

Journal Article
Harnessing digital innovations for climate action and market access: Opportunities and constraints in the CWANA region

Egypt conference: Opportunities and challenges of cluster-based development
IFPRI researchers on what the evidence shows about sparking local economic development in China and Egypt.

Egypt and other Arab countries need sound policies to jump-start development efforts
Participants at a recent Cairo seminar held to mark the Egypt launch of IFPRI’s Global Food Policy Report (GFPR) grappled with the Arab region’s profound development problems. The upheavals of the Arab Spring halted progress in meeting the United Nations Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), said Clemens Breisinger, director of IFPRI’s Egypt Strategy Support Program. “It […]

The potential of digital tools to support farmers in Egypt: Lessons learned and way forward
Virtual Event: NOV 9, 2021 – 08:00 AM to 10:30 AM EST. This technical workshop aims to mobilize various actors' efforts as well support the MALR consolidate and mainstream existing digital services in Egypt.

COVID-19 lessons for rebuilding resilient value chains and agri-food system
The COVID-19 pandemic is an important reminder and rationale for investing in resilient value chains and agri-food systems. The pandemic revealed important vulnerabilities in national and global food systems. Although the pandemic continues to ravish national economies, these impacts vary across sectors and value chains. Most sectors and value chains are being (negatively) affected by […]

Launch of IFPRI’s 2019 Global Food Policy Report: Revitalizing Rural Areas in Lebanon & Soft Launch of WBG’s DigitalAG4MENA
The Launch of IFPRI’s 2019 Global Food Policy Report Welcoming Remarks Keynote Presentations Global Food Policy – Key Findings of the GFPR 2019 Regional Chapter – Cluster-Based Industrialization to Revitalize MENA Rural Areas Panel Discussion and Q&A Session Rural Revitalization: The Last Rabbit out of the Development Hat Can we Leap-Frog into Digitization? Promoting Agricultural […]
IFPRI, a Global Leader in Food and Agriculture Research, Opens Program Office in Cairo
IFPRI, a Global Leader in Food and Agriculture Research, Opens Program Office in Cairo The Cairo hub will produce scientific evidence and build national capacity to raise incomes of the rural poor and improve food and nutrition security in Egypt Office to serve as a resource for journalists February 24, 2016, Cairo, Egypt—The International Food […]