
Journal Article
Potential decarbonization for balancing local and non-local perishable food supply in megacities

Journal Article
A band selection method for consumer-grade camera modification for UAV-based rapeseed growth monitoring
Wen, Ping
Journal Article
Evaluating the gendered credit constraints and uptake of an insurance-linked credit product among smallholder farmers in Kenya

From risk to resilience: How strategic government partnerships can enhance access to insurance-linked credit for smallholders in Zambia
The power of bundled solutions

Webinar: Launching SPAM2020, the latest innovation in global crop mapping
Tools for understanding global trends.

Using atmospheric satellite data to monitor unfolding economic impacts of conflict in Sudan
Changes in nitrogen dioxide emissions reflect migration, other changes.

How can we improve global crop mapping? IFPRI’s Spatial Production Allocation Model (SPAM)
Accessibility to consistent, subnational, spatial information on crops globally will be hugely beneficial to researchers and policy makers. Researchers need this data to evaluate the benefits and costs of adopting new crop and livestock technologies, estimate the impact of climate change on agriculture calculate yield gaps, and analyze the historical evolution of farming systems. Policymakers, […]

Implications of El Niño 2023/24 for Africa South of the Sahara
Virtual Event: November 29, 2023 at 7:30am-9:00am EST. IFPRI in collaboration with USAID FEWS NET and NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, is hosting a presentation on the potential impact of the upcoming El Niño on the global agrifood system, with special emphasis on low-income countries in Africa South of the Sahara. The event will be organized around four short talks.

Global Food Security Forum for Young Scientists
Hybrid Event: December 2, 2022 – 8:00 AM to December 3, 2022 – 6:00 PM HKT. This forum aims to bring together scientists, scholars and innovators from different subjects to discuss their research findings and exchange innovative ideas on all aspects of global food security.
Real-time insurance for farm credit helps Kenyans weather drought (Reuters)
Reuters reported on the Risk-Contingent Credit (RCC), an insurance scheme that provides security for a farmer’s loan by paying it down if the harvest is damaged by extreme weather. Senior Research Fellow Liangzhi You, a scientist with tIFPRI, which co-led and designed the RCC project explained, “If the droughts come, it takes much more resources […]
International HE partnership cracks drought debt problem (University World News)
The University World News reported on a new credit scheme that cushions smallholder farmers in Kenya’s dryland areas from frequent droughts. IFPRI researcher, Liangzhi You, stated the new program faces some impediments. “I would say the commercial bank still needs some kind of incentives from the government to lend to poor farmers.”
Kenyan Farmers Benefit From Insured Loans (VOA)
Voice of America (VOA) published an online feature story on a novel approach to funding small farmers called Risk Contingent Credit Scheme (RCC). Led by IFPRI’s Liangzhi You, RCC offers farmers insured loans that help them purchase farm inputs, while also cushioning them against potential losses accrued from crop failures.