
Journal Article
Do youth work in agriculture? Short-term dynamics of on-farm rural youth employment in Tanzania and Malawi

Assessing the gender dimensions in the true costs of food production in Kenya

The true costs of food in Kenya and Viet Nam

32nd International Conference of Agricultural Economists
The triennial International Conference of Agricultural Economists (ICAE-2024), centred on the theme “Transformation Towards Sustainable Agri-Food Systems” is scheduled from August 2-7, 2024, in New Delhi, India. The conference offers a distinctive platform, providing a golden opportunity for the agricultural academic institutions and researchers to convene in person, exchange knowledge, and actively contribute to the […]

ICTforAg 2024: Localizing impact
Event: May 28, 2024 – 9:00am to 5:00pm EDT. This event explores the localization of ICT, responsible AI in agriculture, the potential for AI to increase farm profitability, empowering citizen science, and harnessing digital solutions for sustainable and regenerative farming practices.

Malawi Discussion of IFPRI’s 2022 Global Food Policy Report: Climate Change and Food Systems
Virtual Event: June 14, 2022 – 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM EDT. The Malawi launch event will give an overview of the main findings and recommendations of the global report and focus on two chapters that are particularly relevant to the Malawi context.
Are Africa’s youth turning their backs on agriculture? (Welternaehrung)
Welternaehrung (Welthungerhilfe [Germany]) published an op-ed by Athur Mabiso and Senior Research Fellow Rui Benfica. The authors write that there are two sides of the coin regarding youth in Africa. Africa has the youngest and fastest growing population in the world. The average age south of the Sahara is 18.3 years, in Asia it is 30 years. The number of young people […]