
Can rights-based conditional cash transfers improve children’s nutrition at scale? Evidence from India’s maternity benefit program

Working Paper
Can role models and skills training increase women’s voice in asset selection? Experimental evidence from Odisha, India

Blog post
Staking claim to entitlements under MGNREGA: How can women make their demands?

ANEW way forward: Strategies to promote women’s empowerment in farmer producer organizations
By Jessica Heckert, Kalyani Raghunathan, Agnes Quisumbing, Emma Fawcett, Emily Myers, Flor Paz, and Soumyajit Ray
Examining a promising avenue for development programs.

From Research to Impact: Towards just and Resilient Agri-food Systems
Conference: October 09, 2023 – 9:00 AM to October 12, 2023 – 6:00 PM IST. IFPRI is participating in the 2023 annual CGIAR gender research conference will take place in New Delhi, India.