
Stakeholder feedback on a slaughterhouse hygiene intervention in western Kenya

Formative study on slaughterhouse hygiene in Western Kenya: Summary Report

Impact of a slaughterhouse hygiene intervention in western Kenya

Training Ugandan coffee farmers on agronomy practices more than pays for itself
Promise for boosting yields and income.

World Food Safety Day 2024: Empowering consumers and small businesses with information
Targeting interventions to benefit public health.

The challenges of influencing consumer behavior to improve food safety
Two studies in Kenya examine risk perceptions of aflatoxin in maize.

Implications of El Niño 2023/24 for Africa South of the Sahara
Virtual Event: November 29, 2023 at 7:30am-9:00am EST. IFPRI in collaboration with USAID FEWS NET and NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, is hosting a presentation on the potential impact of the upcoming El Niño on the global agrifood system, with special emphasis on low-income countries in Africa South of the Sahara. The event will be organized around four short talks.

5th Annual Agriculture, Nutrition & Health (ANH) Academy Week
IFPRI is participating in ANH Academy Week that will bring together a community of researchers, practitioners and policymakers from across the world working at the intersection of agriculture, nutrition and health to foster knowledge exchange, innovation and learning, touching on COVID-19’s impacts on our shared work. Presenter(s) Title Date Time John McDermott Welcome Remarks 30-Jun 9:00am John […]

2018 Agricultural & Applied Economics Association (AAEA) Annual Meeting
IFPRI will participate in the 2018 AAEA meeting. The AAEA addresses agricultural economics, international and rural development, and more.
Kenyans love maize. But aflatoxins are making it dangerous (BMJ Journals)
BMJ Journals reported on the dangers and ways to prevent aflatoxin poisoning. The findings from two IFPRI studies were referenced in the article, the first by Research Fellows Vivian Hoffmann and Jef Leroy and Kelly Jones, The impact of reducing dietary aflatoxin exposure on child linear growth: a cluster randomised controlled trial in Kenya, and […]
What must be done to get toxin out of Kenya’s food supply (The Conversation)
The Conversation published a Q & A article with Research Fellow Vivian Hoffmann on her insights about aflatoxins, a poisonous, toxic chemical produced by a fungus (Aspergillus flavus). Aflatoxins are found in many of Kenya’s popular maize flour brands. Hoffman discusses how to reduce and eventually eliminate aflatoxins in food and the roles that farmers, […]