
Journal Article
Rethinking responses to the world’s water crises
Robin, Libby; Talbot-Jones, Julia; Wheeler, Sarah Ann; Avarado, Fabiola; Hope, Robert; Biswas, Asit K.; Borgomeo, Edoardo; Brouwer, Roy; Costanza, Robert; Kubiszewski, Ida; Kompas, Tom; McDonnell, Rachael; Martins, Rita; Nikolakis, William; Rollason, Russell; Samnakay, Nadeem; Scanlon, Bridget R.; Svensson, Jesper; Thiam, Djiby; Tortajada, Cecilia; Wang, Yahua
Working Paper
Options for reducing greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture and food systems

Working Paper
Measuring employment and job quality in agrifood systems: A comprehensive approach

Trade policy and food price volatility: Beggar thy neighbor or beggar thyself?
The downsides of emergency trade measures.

Despite improved global market conditions, high food price inflation persists
Continuing pressures on food security in low- and middle-income countries.

The political economy of reforming costly agricultural policies
The diverse benefits of repurposing support programs.

32nd International Conference of Agricultural Economists
The triennial International Conference of Agricultural Economists (ICAE-2024), centred on the theme “Transformation Towards Sustainable Agri-Food Systems” is scheduled from August 2-7, 2024, in New Delhi, India. The conference offers a distinctive platform, providing a golden opportunity for the agricultural academic institutions and researchers to convene in person, exchange knowledge, and actively contribute to the […]

2024 Agricultural & Applied Economics Association (AAEA) Annual Meeting
IFPRI is participating in the 2024 Agricultural & Applied Economics Association (AAEA) Annual Meeting on July 28 – July 30, 2024. The Agricultural & Applied Economics Association (AAEA) is a not-for-profit association serving the professional interests of members working in agricultural and broadly related fields of applied economics. AAEA members are primarily employed by academic […]

Reforming Agricultural Policies and Farm Support to Advance Sustainable Food System Transformation
Virtual Event: February 29, 2024 – 9:00 AM- 10:45 AM EST. The seminar will present available evidence on promising technological innovations from CGIAR and elsewhere, identify associated tradeoffs, and examine how policies can shape greater uptake of such innovations.
Ensuring South Asia’s food security requires knowledge, data sharing (The Daily Star)
The Daily Star (Bangladesh) published an article about collaborations in knowledge and data sharing in agriculture and food production and how they are necessary for multilateral trade facilitation among countries to ensure food security in South Asia. Some countries are looking forward to bilateral trade, which is a step towards multilateral trade. Restriction on the movement of products […]
Sub-Sahara children at most risk of starving to death, charity warns (Church Times)
Church Times (United Kingdom) published an article on hunger and malnutrition specifically in children South of the Sahara. The article quoted IFPRI and its prediction that that food poverty will grow dramatically across the globe in 2020. Sub-Saharan African will be one of the hardest hit, with a 23 percent increase in those classed as falling into extreme poverty: […]
World food banks and the pandemic effect (Agro-Campana)
Agro-Campana (Argentina) published an article on food security during COVID-19. The crisis has placed government officials in the difficult position of balancing restrictions on mobility with guaranteeing access to basic services. And while the world has not faced major food shortages, there have been disruptions to international food security. In the journal article COVID-19 risks to global food security by IFPRI researchers David Laborde, Will Martin, Johan Swinnen, and Rob […]
- AAEA Fellow, Agricultural & Applied Economics Association, 2021.
- Past President, International Association of Agricultural Economists, 2018-21; President 2015-18, President Elect 2012-15.
- Global Trade Analysis Project Hall of Fame, 2016.
- Award for Reviewer Excellence, WB Econ Rev 2017.
- Chair Elect, International Section, AAEA, 2011; Chair, 2012; Past Chair 2013.
- Distinguished Fellow, Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society, 2009.
- Quality of Research Discovery Award, Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society, 2007.
- Honorable Mention, American Agricultural Economics Association journal article, 2007.
- Quality of Communication Award, Agricultural Trade Reform and the Doha Development Agenda, American Agricultural Economics Association, 2006.
- Member, Global Trade Analysis Project (GTAP) Board 1993-2015, Alan A. Powell Award for Outstanding Service, 1997.
- President, Economics Graduate Student Assn, 1981-2