
Working Paper
Tajikistan’s agrifood system: The past performance and future opportunities and challenges

Working Paper
Agrifood value chains in India: A state-level analysis using a social accounting matrix

Zambia: Systematic analysis of domestic production and world market shocks

Rising commodities prices driven by the Russia-Ukraine crisis threaten to undermine Kenya’s economy, increase poverty
Modeling shows lowered GDP and agricultural production for 2022.

Charting a productive, sustainable future for small farms amid food system transformation
Encouraging the adoption of promising innovations.

COVID-19 and other shocks facing Papua New Guinea’s food economy
Modeling shows differering impacts for urban and rural households.

How should governments respond to crises? Rapid response using RIAPA modeling system
IFPRI’s foresight modeling systems cover food, land, and water systems across the world’s poorest and most food insecure geographies. Thanks to longstanding investments in these systems, IFPRI is uniquely positioned to provide rapid analysis of the impacts of global or domestic crises on agrifood systems, poverty, and food security at global, regional, national, or subnational […]

Impacts of Global Shocks on Poverty, Hunger, and Diets
Virtual Event: February 9, 2023 – 9:00 AM- 10:00 AM EST. IFPRI’s Xinshen Diao and James Thurlow will present their latest round of country impact modeling in Agrilinks webinar “Impacts of Global Shocks on Poverty, Hunger, and Diets”.

An evolving paradigm of agricultural mechanization development: How much can Africa learn from Asia?
The event video, presenter slides, podcast, photos and blog will be available in the days following the event. Agricultural mechanization in Africa south of the Sahara — especially for small farms and businesses — requires a new paradigm to meet the needs of the continent’s evolving farming systems. Can Asia, with its recent success in […]
Poor households quadruple with corona sickness 60% of daily income of 200 yen or less (NNI Asia)
NNI Asia (Japan) published an information blurb stating that the number of poor households is rapidly increasing in Myanmar, where the spread of the new coronavirus continues. According to IFPRI, (Poverty, food insecurity, and social protection during COVID-19 in Myanmar: Combined evidence from a household telephone survey and micro-simulations), poor households with daily household income of less than US $ 1.9 (about 198 yen) reached […]
The interventions: efficacy and adverse effects (Nueva Tribuna)
Nueva Tribune (Japan) published an article stating that the number of poor households is rapidly increasing in Myanmar, where the spread of the new coronavirus continues. According to IFPRI, (Poverty, food insecurity, and social protection during COVID-19 in Myanmar: Combined evidence from a household telephone survey and micro-simulations), poor households with a daily household income of less than US$ 1.9 (about 198 yen) reached […]
Poverty and food insecurity during COVID-19: Evidence from the COVID-19 Rural and Urban Food Security Survey (RUFSS) – June and July 2020 round (Relief Web)
Relief Web published a summary of the recent Myanmar surveys. The IFPRI surveys provide evidence that Myanmar is one of the few developing countries that the World Bank (2020) forecasts will not go into recession in 2020 – a very modest expansion of just 0.87 percent is forecast. A Social Accounting Matrix multiplier analysis by IFPRI projected a 0.50 percent expansion under a […]
- Distinguished Leadership Award for Internationals, 2018, University of Minnesota.
- Outstanding Alumni Award, 2018, Department of Applied Economics, University of Minnesota.
- Best Conference Paper, 2016 China Agricultural Economic Review (CAER) – IFPRI Annual Conference.
- GTAP Research Fellow, 2007-2010, Center for Global Trade Analysis, Purdue University.