Working Paper
Impact of risk-contingent credit and traditional credit on smallholders’ agricultural investment and productivity: Experimental evidence from Kenya
Solar dryer: Laboratory experiment and initial evaluation of the solar-dried tomatoes and peppers
Journal Article
Pandemic experiences and the post-lockdown economic recovery: Evidence from China
Farmers’ responses to warming early in growing seasons can affect yields
Decisions on fertilizer and pesticide use impact crops and finances.
Harnessing telecommunications network data for rainfall monitoring in developing countries
Filling a key information gap can make it easier to provide insurance to smallholders.
Model offers new approach to account for intangible factors driving microfinance group loan performance
A paper offers important new data points on group loans.
ICTforAg 2024: Localizing impact
Event: May 28, 2024 – 9:00am to 5:00pm EDT. This event explores the localization of ICT, responsible AI in agriculture, the potential for AI to increase farm profitability, empowering citizen science, and harnessing digital solutions for sustainable and regenerative farming practices.
The 8th Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD8)
Virtual Event: September 28, 2022 – 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM JST. The side event explores how Japan can lend its expertise to address Africa’s food and nutrition challenges and show some evidence of the impacts.
Using Big Data and Machine Learning to Predict Poverty and Malnutrition for Targeting, Mapping, Monitoring, and Early Warning
Virtual Event: July 28, 2021 – 08:00 AM to 9:30 EDT. This webinar will highlight the differences between poverty and malnutrition targeting and mapping.
Pork is too expensive! Mainland banking trial implementation of live pig mortgage loan (Epoch Times)
Epoch Times published an article that states China’s pork prices remain high and the consumer price index increases, and the CCP government hopes to restore the number of live pigs and encourage pig farmers to replenish the amount of pigs to be slaughtered, but small family pig farms are already in debt. There are no assets that can […]
China serves up pig-backed loans for its hogtied farmers (Fox Business News)
Fox Business News published an article on how China’s is so desperate to rebuild pig herds after swine fever that its banks are experimenting with loans to farmers backed by a novel asset: their hogs. Senior Research Fellow Yanyan Liu says banks would face challenges both in valuing pigs and enforcing their rights if loans went bad. Hog prices are […]
How mobile phone towers could help monitor rainfall in developing countries (The Conversation)
The Conversation published an op-ed by Research fellow Yanyan Liu and coauthors about the importance of accurate precipitation measurements that are essential to farmers to monitor crop yields. Farmers also rely on rain-fed agriculture. The researchers used commercial microwave links – wireless connections between mobile phone towers – from different locations in the world, as an effective low-cost way to […]