IFPRI has over four decades of experience conducting research and outreach in Bangladesh. Our country office in Bangladesh is committed to producing high quality, evidence-based outputs that contribute to agriculture development, food security, nutrition, and poverty alleviation.
The Bangladesh Policy Research and Strategy Support Program (PRSSP) for Food Security and Agricultural Development, which ran from 2010 to 2020, aimed to fill the need for demand-driven food and agriculture research in response to Bangladesh’s Country Investment Plan for agriculture, food security, and nutrition. IFPRI’s largest-ever project in Bangladesh, the PRSSP built on previous IFPRI work in the country alongside government partners in the Ministry of Food and Disaster Management and the Ministry of Agriculture. The program generated information on critical issues, strengthened analytical capacity within the country, and stimulated policy dialogue. Its main objectives were to provide policy options and advisory services, collaborate with national institutions to evaluate and explain evidence, and find effective ways to deliver options and evidence to decision-makers and stakeholders. The PRSSP was funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).
To learn more, visit the IFPRI Bangladesh website